A solid cover letter is an excellent step toward success in the restaurant industry. It doesn’t matter whether you’re applying for an entry-level food service position or putting your hat in the ring for a management position covering multiple locations; your cover letter is integral to showcasing what makes you the right person for the job.
If you’re interested in finding a restaurant cover letter sample to help you guide your cover letter writing, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a basic cover letter example to help.
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’ve been managing restaurants for seven years now, and Company Name has always been one of the restaurant chains that I’ve respected most in our local area. When I noticed that you had an open manager position, I realized that this would be the perfect time to put my knowledge of restaurant management to the test.
In my last job as a restaurant manager, I was able to help the restaurants improve their sales numbers by 14% overall, mainly due to setting up social media accounts for all locations and managing them effectively. Modernizing restaurants is a huge part of my process, and we were also able to improve customer satisfaction by 25% by adding special ordering kiosks.
I believe my ability to help restaurants move into the 21st century is a huge part of what I can bring to the table, and I think Company Name could benefit significantly from it. Please let me know when we can sit down and discuss how I can help Company Name to modernize and streamline its processes.
Daniel Kohr
This is a concise restaurant manager cover letter, and you’ll likely want to expand on it when you write your own. However, this can be a great starting point.
When you write a cover letter, you want to show a hiring manager that you’re the perfect person for the job. Start with the hiring manager’s name, which will indicate that you’re not just reusing the same cover letter repeatedly. From there, you can move on to this three-paragraph format.
In your first paragraph, you want a hook that will instantly draw the hiring manager in as quickly as possible. This applicant immediately states that not only has he been managing restaurants for seven years, but he’s also had a lot of respect for the company he’s applying for. Remember, hiring managers often read dozens of cover letters for each job posting, so having a cover letter that sets you apart from other job seekers is a must.
At this point, you know the hiring manager is reading your cover letter. Here, include more of your dining and general experience in the food service industry, whether it’s working in fast food or as a steakhouse restaurant server. Here, the applicant brings out some specific percentages—14% improvement in sales and 25% improvement in customer satisfaction. This cover letter is short, but in your professional cover letter, you may want to expand your second paragraph with bullet points underneath.
Finally, in your third paragraph, bring the rest of the cover letter together. Remind the hiring manager of your skills and knowledge, indicating what makes you the perfect person for the job, then request the job interview. This applicant specifically states that he wants to discuss modernization for the company he’s applying for.
It’s always a good idea to add a cover letter to your job application. Not only does this cover letter allow you to talk directly to the hiring manager, laying out all the reasons why you’re uniquely qualified to have this job, but it also puts you ahead of any job seekers who only have a professional resume and don’t have a cover letter to go along with it. You can use the ResumeNerd cover letter builder to create yours more easily, with cover letter templates and writing tips available.
The perfect cover letter should be between half a page and three-quarters of a page long. This will usually be between 250-350 words. Remember to keep the cover letter under a single page, as a recruiter will want to be able to quickly read through the cover letter and see whether you’re the right person for a new job.
If you don’t have years of experience, you can still write a great cover letter. Just highlight the elements of the job in the job description. A server cover letter, for example, may highlight communication skills and customer service skills. Even if this is a new job for you, your cover letter should show that you know how to do the job and you’re eager to start learning new skills.