How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”
Why Do You Want to Work Here
A job interview is intended to help a hiring manager understand whether you would be a good fit for the position and the company. This can make some questions difficult to answer, as the obvious answer may not always be the best one. When you’re answering interview questions, it’s important to prepare answers for some of the most common interview questions that you might receive. Here’s how you can more effectively answer a question about why you want a new job.

Why Interviewers Ask “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”
One important part of your job search is understanding why interviewers ask different questions. Job interview questions are intended to help your potential employer understand whether you would be a beneficial hire for a particular company. Every question, from “What makes you unique?” to “Why do you want to work for this company?” is intended to ensure you align with the company’s goals. When an interviewer asks questions such as, “Why do you want to work here?”, “Why are you interested in this job?” or “Why do you want this job?” they’re seeing what elements of the job you’re passionate about. Will you be part of this company in 5 to 10 years, or are you just using this company as a stepping stone to the next one?
Tips for Crafting an Answer to This Question
Now that you know why an interviewer might want to know your answer to this question, you can create an answer that’s both truthful and beneficial to finding your next job.
First of all, think about developing a mission statement that can help you in all your interviews. For example, if you’re a software developer and you’ve decided that your career path is going to be based on improving people’s lives with easier access to IoT technology, that’s something you can use in a job interview. You can talk about how you want to be a contributor to a company that’s helping individuals access specific kinds of technology more readily.
It's also important to consider your track record and what has pulled you to different companies in the past. What have you enjoyed about working in certain jobs? What have you disliked? What do you see in this specific job offer that reminds you of the last job you really enjoyed? A good answer to this question doesn’t have to make the company seem like your absolute dream job, but it should showcase what you like in the job.
Three Points on Which to Base Your Answer
There are many reasons you might want to work for a specific company. However, crafting the perfect answer for a specific job interview requires that you understand how interview answers work. Here are a few pointers.
The company culture
You can go with the company values as the basis for your answer. Typically, a hiring manager wants to hire a candidate who agrees with a company’s core values and initiatives. That means researching the company culture and creating interview answers that align with it. Read through the company’s website, look at the company’s social media accounts, and potentially even reach out to current employees to see what the company culture is like.
Something that interests you about the company and the job
What was it that initially drew you to apply to a specific job posting? Was there a piece of text in the job description? Did you see something you liked on the company’s LinkedIn? Did you immediately notice that your skill set matched the skill set for the job? If a specific element initially drew you to either the company or the specific job, you can create your answer around that.
A way that you can benefit the company
Lastly, think of a way that you might be able to benefit the company. For example, if you’re applying to a startup as a project management lead, your answer may be something like, “I’ve always wanted to help grow a company from the ground up, especially because of the unique knowledge of the company this provides. I want to help you achieve your company’s mission and see that I’ve been part of it from the very beginning.”