Cover letter design is a big part of making sure your cover letter catches a recruiter’s eye. How do you make sure your cover letter design makes an impact?

Creating a Great Professional Cover Letter Design
Cover Letter Design
The design of your job application plays a huge role in how recruiters respond to it. A modern, professional-looking cover letter is more likely to get results than a cover letter template that looks ugly, poorly put-together, or generally slapped together. Cover letter writing is about making your cover letter stand out in more ways than one. Here’s how to create a professional resume that has the right graphic design flair for your needs.

What Is a Cover Letter Design?
“Cover letter design” simply refers to all elements of the graphic design component of your cover letter. It will typically include your cover letter header, which will include your full name, contact information like your phone number, and social media links, including your LinkedIn. Additionally, a creative cover letter template will typically include a unique design throughout the letter, potentially including unique font and color choices.
How can you find professional cover letter templates that look great and show off your skills effectively? The perfect cover letter design needs to include a number of different elements. Here are four elements to look for in the cover letter design.
The exact cover letter font you use will say a lot about the style. It’s typically best to opt for a fairly simple font, although a more unique font might look great for your header to grab the recruiter’s attention.
Font size.
You should typically use a font size between 10-12pt. You may be able to adjust it slightly depending on whether your cover letter is a bit longer or a bit shorter so that it fits into the right length. Additionally, keep the font size consistent throughout.
Margin size
You should keep your margins between half an inch and a full inch. Again, this is one of the elements that you may be able to change if you’re looking for more or less space.
Usage of color
Maintaining a consistent color scheme between your cover letter and resume helps your entire job application look consistent, presenting a cohesive image of yourself.
These are the most important elements of creating a cover letter format that helps differentiate you from other job seekers. As long as you make sure these elements look great, you can create a good first impression and make it easier for you to wow a potential employer.
Tips for Finding a Cover Letter Design That Works for You
So, how can you find a cover letter design that makes you happy and shows off your skill set at the same time? Here are a few pointers you can take if you’re looking to find a great cover letter design:
- Understand your field.
Different fields will have different opinions on what makes a good cover letter. If your dream job is in the legal field, for example, then you’re probably going to want to use a straightforward cover letter template, likely with a minimalist design. If you’re applying for a very modern startup, on the other hand, then you may want a more modern cover letter template that utilizes more colors and design elements.
- Research the job you’re applying for.
Next, you need to research the specific job you’re applying for. Look on the company’s website to try and get a feel for what the company might be looking for and what they may consider eye-catching. The best cover letter for one job might not be the best cover letter for another job, and understanding what a hiring manager wants is crucial.
- Look at the job description in depth.
The next step is to look at the actual job description. Typically, you can use the keywords surrounding the job title to see what the company is looking for. Are you seeing keywords like “unique” and “fun”, or are you seeing keywords like “hardworking” and “professional”? Although all four of these elements can exist within one job, the specific keywords the company uses will play a big role in what they want to see out of your cover letter and resume design.
- Consider your work experience.
Lastly, you can look at your own work experience and past cover letters and resumes you’ve written and gotten great results with. Sticking to a cover letter template that has worked in your past job search may help you in your current one.
There are many cover letter templates available at ResumeNerd. Plus, you can also find a cover letter builder, which is a tool that can help you write your cover letters more effectively. With this cover letter builder, you can also create multiple different versions of your cover letter, making it easier for you to decide which one you like the most.