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How to Feature Presentation Skills in Your Resume

If you give presentations as part of your job, then you’ll need presentation skills. What are these skills, and…

Tips for Listing Problem-Solving Skills on Resumes

Problem-solving skills are an important part of thinking creatively and thinking for yourself. How can you list these important…

Use These Professor CV Examples to Write Your Own

A professor resume or CV will help you get hired for a higher education position. Here’s how to create…

5 Professional Skills You Need for Your Resume

If you want to excel in the workforce, you need specific skills to get you through the door. Here’s…

How to Use Project Management Skills

Project management skills can help you identify your project’s goals and accomplish them. How can you list these skills…

When to Put Projects On Your Resume

Learn how and when to list projects on your resume and why you should consider doing it, plus the…

10 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer to Land Your Dream…

The questions you ask at your job interview shows the interviewer you’re interested and can help you get hired….

Build your resume the smart way

Create an out of this world resume with expert content that can be customized just for you!